My professor in one of my major disciplines asked us to show a video clip that would highlight one of the learning theories we have discussed so far this semester. Along with the video clip, she also required us to make a brief reflection about the video and it's significance to current Philippines situation. After work, I hurried off to school and I didn't realise that we will present this to class today. So during my break time, I grabbed my laptop and finished my assignment.It's a good thing that the area has wifi so I was able to search videos from youtube.
Let me share you my output that earned me an on the spot A++ score...hahahaha!
A Reflection on Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
By: Ryan M. Dancel
Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (SLT) assumes that people's environment cause people to behave in certain ways. SLT simply states that a person will imitate the behavior of a role model, and this behavior will continue if they receive positive reinforcement of that behavior. According to the research conducted by Bandura and his work on SLT in the imitation of aggression, if children were witnesses to an aggressive display by an adult they would imitate this aggressive behavior when given the opportunity. That is, children learn social behavior such as aggression through the process of observation learning - through watching the behavior of another person.
The message in the video is clear: children would imitate behavior that they see around them such as talking on a phone, body language … smoking, violence. Children learn through the act of imitation. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. If we want our children to be responsible children and adults then we must act responsibly ourselves. Responsible behavior must be taught by us to the children from a very early age. If we leave it too late to teach our children responsibilities we may have to backtrack and change the child’s behavior and perception of responsibilities.
There is an article I have read that I would like to emphasize in connection with aggression and its relationship with criminality. Based from that article, some criminality are learned behaviors, imitated from role models. When a person sees a role model performing a behavior and then receives positive feedback this is remembered. If that person has the chance to imitate this behavior they will. If they then get positive reinforcement for this imitation then the chance of them repeating this behavior is increased.
Overall, I think that the video is an excellent example of using psychology to provoke awareness of a very serious problem. As a model of good behavior, there’s a great role of parents in the development of behavior of their children. As parents, we have to be aware of the influence we have over children – both positive and negative. I do believe that the best school we have is still our homes and parents still remain as the best teacher. Make your influence positive!!
This is a video clip from television ad which was aired in Australia few years ago. I took this video from